Adequate water sustained in Hazzano – WATAN

Adequate water sustained in Hazzano

In northwest Syria, where the struggles of daily life extend beyond job opportunities and basic resources, the simple right to clean drinking water remains a distant dream for many, and water provision is a necessity and a priority to be worked on.

Anas Zakour, a resident of Hazzano in the northern countryside of Idlib, faces this challenge daily. Weak underground wells and scarce clean water sources make securing clean water an unrelenting battle. Anas explains: “I rely entirely on buying water in tankers, but this water is unsafe because it lacks sterilization materials. Sometimes, we wait two or more days without water due to the high demand.”

Anas’s story is one of thousands, each of which reflects the daily struggles of people in the region. Their relentless pursuit of life’s basics underscores the critical importance of providing clean and safe drinking water.

Realizing this urgent need, WATAN responded through its specialists in the Water and Sanitation Department. WATAN, in cooperation with donors, launched a project to establish a high reservoir in Hazzano. This tank, which has a storage capacity of 100 cubic meters, is not just a solution for storing water, but rather a new life for the town’s neighborhoods that suffer from a scarcity of clean water.

Specialized engineering teams supervised the project from the beginning until the final connection of the city’s main lines. With the completion of the reservoir, life in Hazzanochanged. “Now, I don’t need to quit my job and go fill the water tank in my home using tankers,” Anas says. “The water arrives smoothly into the tank after completing this special project.”

Obtaining clean water, let alone delivering it to the home, is a difficult matter for many residents of northern Syria, but the success of the tank project in the town of Hazzano, with the improvement of the infrastructure to reach the home directly, represents a new beginning for the town and hope for the rest of the regions.

This transformation reflects the profound words of Nelson Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it is done.” Anas Zakour’s story and the project in Hazzano remind us that with hard work, the impossible becomes possible.

The accomplishments at Hazzano would not have been possible without the unwavering support of generous individuals and organizations. WATAN’s continued success in humanitarian work depends on the cooperation and dedication of supporters and donors. Every contribution, big or small, plays a critical role in making a lasting impact on those affected by crises and disasters.

We call on all individuals and donors to join us in this noble endeavour. Together, we can provide sustainable solutions that ensure everyone has access to basic rights, such as clean drinking water. Especially since funding the water sector for northern Syria in the first quarter of 2024 covered only 2% of the region’s needs according to the United Nations, which means that the reality is still tragic for many families but hope still exists. Thanks to your donations and donor funding, we can turn hope into Reality: Every drop of water can reach those in need, and every effort made can significantly improve the lives of thousands. Let us be the artery that feeds hope and life and contribute together to a bright and secure future for all.