
Question Controller

GET api/Question/ListQuestionsByActivity?activityId={activityId}

List Public Group Questions By Activity Id Basically Used For Public Activites and Groups

GET api/Question/ListQuestionsByInvitationCode?code={code}

List Public Group Questions By Activity Id Basically Used For Public Activites and Groups

POST api/Question/SubmitGroupAnswers

No documentation available.


GET api/Campaigns/GetAllCampaigns?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Campaigns with pagination

POST api/Campaigns/Donate

Add donation information to database


GET api/Expertise/GetEducationProgram

Get Education Program data

GET api/Expertise/GetProtectionProgram

Get Protection Program data

GET api/Expertise/GetFslPrograms

Get Fsl Program data

GET api/Expertise/GetCivilSocietySupportProgram

Get Civil Society Support Program data

GET api/Expertise/GetHealthProgram

Get Health Program data

GET api/Expertise/GetNfiProgram

Get Nfi Program data

GET api/Expertise/GetWaterSanitationProgram

Get Water Sanitation Program data

GET api/Expertise/GetEconomicEmpowermentProgram

Get Economic Empowerment Program data


GET api/Maps/GetAllMapLocations

Get all map locations information


POST api/Account/Register

Register new user into the system. Form Data parameters: email as String, password as String, full_name as String, phone_number as String, gender as Gender (Male - Female) user_photo,

GET api/Account/Login

Login the user to the system using the email and password. Header parameters(email,password,auth_type,token)

GET api/Account/ResendConfirmationCode

Resend a confirmation code to user email. Header parameters(email,password,auth_type,token).

GET api/Account/UserInfo

Get user information using the email and password.Header parameters(email,password,auth_type,token)

POST api/Account/ChangePassword

change user password. Header parameters(email,password,auth_type,token).

GET api/Account/ConfirmEmailCode?code={code}

Confirm user email code . Header parameters(email,password,auth_type,token).

POST api/Account/UpdateProfile

Update user profile information. Header parameters(email,password,auth_type,token). Form Data parameters: birth_date as Date (ex: 13-10-1993), gender as string, marital_status as string, country_code as string, academic_certificate as string, academic_certificate_file as file, cv_file as file user_photo as file

POST api/Account/UpdateProfileV2

Update user profile information. Header parameters(email,password,auth_type,token). Form Data parameters: birth_date as Date (ex: 13-10-1993), gender as string, marital_status as string, country_code as string, academic_certificate as string, academic_certificate_file as file, cv_file as file user_photo as file, cover_letter_file as file, cover_letter_text as string, references as List of References model trainging_certificates as list of stirng trainging_categories as list of integer working_categories as list of integer

POST api/Account/ForgotPassword

Send an activation code to user email that used to reset user password

POST api/Account/CheckActivationCode

Check the validity of activation code

POST api/Account/ResetPassword

Reset user password after activation code confirmation

POST api/Account/ExternalLogin

Login user if exists or register this user if not exists using OAuth Providers(Facebook,Google,Twitter)


GET api/Home/GetMainInformation

Get Home Page information

POST api/Home/SetDeviceLanguage

Save the selected device language

POST api/Home/SubscribeInMailList

Send a message to Watan Foundation

GET api/Home/GetAllWorkingAndTrainingCategories

Get a list of training categories and a list of working categories


Conference Controller

GET api/Conference/Details



GET api/Countries/GetAllCountries

Get a list of countries


GET api/Projects/GetAllProjects?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Projects with pagination


GET api/News/GetAllPressReleases?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Press Releases with pagination

GET api/News/GetAllMonthlyReports?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Monthly Reports with pagination

GET api/News/GetAllAnnualReports?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Annual Reports with pagination

GET api/News/GetAllBlogs?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Blogs with pagination

GET api/News/GetAllMulitMedia?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Mulit Media with pagination

GET api/News/GetAllNewsMentions?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of News Methion with pagination

POST api/News/PostAComment

Post a comment to a specefic news. Headers parameters (email,password,auth_type,token)


GET api/Trainings/GetAllTrainings?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Trainings with pagination

POST api/Trainings/ApplyToTraining

Apply to the specefice training


GET api/Settings/GetSystemSettings

No documentation available.


POST api/Volunteers/GetInvolved

Send a message to Watan Foundation to be a volunteer


POST api/Questionnaire/SubmitAnswers

No documentation available.


GET api/Conferences/GetMainInformation

Get active conferecne home page informations

GET api/Conferences/GetConferenceActivities

Get active conference activities data

GET api/Conferences/GetConferenceBrief

Get active conference brief data

GET api/Conferences/GetConferenceSpeakers

Get active conference speakers data

GET api/Conferences/GetConferenceTracks

Get active conference tracks data

GET api/Conferences/GetConferenceTrainings

Get active conference FAQs data


POST api/Notifications/SetUserToken?receiveNotification={receiveNotification}

Set the registration token for user using device id

POST api/Notifications/UpdateDeviceToken

Update the specefied device token


POST api/ContactUs/SendContactMessage

Send a message to Watan Foundation


GET api/AboutUs/GetWhoWeAre

No documentation available.

GET api/AboutUs/GetWhereWeWork

Get Where We Work information

GET api/AboutUs/GetWatanNetwork

Get Watan Network information

GET api/AboutUs/GetBoardLeadership

Get Board Leadership information

GET api/AboutUs/GetBoardMemberDetails

Get Board Member Details

GET api/AboutUs/GetTermsAndConditions

Get Terms and Conditions information


POST api/Vacancies/GetAllVacancies?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get a list of Vacancies with pagination.

POST api/Vacancies/ApplyToVacancy

Applay to vacancy. Form Data parameters: birth_date as String (ex: yyyy/MM/dd) full_name as String phone as String email as String social_status as String nationality as String job_title as String job_code as String country as String grade1 as String university_school1 as String specialization1 as String graduation_year1 as String grade2 as String university_school2 as String specialization2 as String graduate2 as String graduation_year2 as String professional_experience1 as String from1 as String to1 as String title1 as String job_summary1 as String professional_experience2 as String from2 as String to2 as String title2 as String job_summary2 as String professional_experience3 as String from3 as String to3 as String title3 as String job_summary3 as String what_kind_of_residency_in_turkey as String how_you_heard_about_this_job as String salary_expectation as String professional_experience_full as String experiences_count as int academic_background_count as int cv_file_url as file .Headers parameters (email,password,auth_type,token)

POST api/Vacancies/ApplyToVacancyV2

Applay to vacancy. Form Data parameters: birth_date as String (ex: yyyy/MM/dd) full_name as String phone as String email as String social_status as String nationality as String job_title as String job_code as String country as String grade1 as String university_school1 as String specialization1 as String graduation_year1 as String grade2 as String university_school2 as String specialization2 as String graduate2 as String graduation_year2 as String professional_experience1 as String from1 as String to1 as String title1 as String job_summary1 as String professional_experience2 as String from2 as String to2 as String title2 as String job_summary2 as String professional_experience3 as String from3 as String to3 as String title3 as String job_summary3 as String what_kind_of_residency_in_turkey as String how_you_heard_about_this_job as String salary_expectation as String professional_experience_full as String experiences_count as int academic_background_count as int cv_file_url as file .Headers parameters (email,password,auth_type,token)


GET api/PartnerSites/GetAllPartnersSites

Get all Partners Sites


GET api/Sponsors/GetAllSponsors

Get all Sponsors